I went back and forth about writing this, as it’s extremely personal. I decided that if this can help someone else who is struggling with addiction, it is worth getting personal.
I started doing boot camp about 8 years ago. I fell in love with the intensity of it instantly, and I’m still hooked. I love waking up before the rest of the world. (It makes you feel like a boss, try it.)The first boot camp I was part of was great, but it was very cliquey. I never felt like I belonged, but loved the workouts so much I kept going. After some time, Pamela opened Limitless Fitness, and I quickly switched to her gym. I never looked back. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. The support I get from Pamela, and the rest of the strong women at the 5:15 am boot camp is what was missing for me all this time.
This year, I have felt that support more than ever. I started to find myself going down a dark path, and was drinking a lot of alcohol. My workouts suffered and I felt lost and alone. I decided to quit drinking. Pamela has given me more support than I ever expected. She was one of the first people I told, and she has stood by me ever since. She high fives me for my accomplishments, when I announce how long it’s been since my last drink. That high five is so simple, but has meant so much to me. The support I’ve gotten has made me replace alcohol for exercise, and it’s the best choice I’ve ever made. Without Pamela, Michaela, and the beautiful women at Limitless Fitness, the last 8+ months alcohol free would have been a lot more difficult. (And I need to shout out my girl Stephanie for her support) Exercise is not just about losing weight and looking good— it can also help you come out of life’s darkest moments and shine brighter than you ever have before.