Growing up I was an active girl, and it was easy for me to stay in shape. As the years passed by and after having 3 gorgeous daughters, it became more of a challenge to maintain my figure. Soon my challenge developed into a passion for living a healthy life and being a positive role model for my daughters.
My journey, with Limitless Fitness, started about 2 years ago. At that time, I became pregnant with my third child. There were numerous times during my pregnancy that I became tired and wanted to stop working out. Thankfully with the tremendous support from the trainers and my workout partners I was able to push through the tough times and keep going.
For me, going to Limitless Fitness allows me to maintain a healthy appearance both physically and mentally. The gym is my escape from the day to day grind. When I go to the gym, I am able to leave life stresses at the door and really focus on myself. Over the course of the past few years I have developed great relationships with the trainers and the “5:15 Faithful” crew, I consider them as my second family.
I look forward to continuing my involvement with Limitless Fitness for years to come.